Tuesday 3 April 2012


The large hadron collider is a very large machine that has been setup on the border between Switzerland and France 100m underground and nearing a length of 27000m
With a budget of over 6bn pounds the LHC is one of the most expensive pieces of scientific equipment ever built with investments and donations coming from all over the world from several different countries all contributing towards the cost. There are also many hundreds of scientists working through the mass loads of data that the LHC collects.
The LHC works by firing hadrons (most well known are protons and neutrons) that are held together by even smaller particles (quarks) and by firing these at a very high kinetic energy they let the particles impact to create by products that were found during the big bang they can observe these sub atomic particles and use that information to theorise about the universe we live in.

This is simply amazinly interesting!